Many Santa Ana residents love to participate in Halloween. In fact, just four short years ago, Santa Ana came in at number four for the best cities to celebrate the October holiday.

Whether you are throwing an adults-only shindig or escorting your costumed kiddos around the neighborhood this year, safety should be paramount. The following tips can allow everyone to have fun and stay safer:

  • Have nonalcoholic alternatives available for partygoers.
  • Close the bar an hour before the party ends.
  • Guests who overindulge should not be permitted to drive. Arrange rides with Lyft or Uber.
  • Kids should trick or treat in groups, and younger children should be accompanied by a parent.
  • Make sure the kids’ costumes are not too long and pose a tripping hazard.
  • Drivers should beware of children darting out between parked cars on Halloween.
  • Give kids a flashlight to use and make costumes from fluorescent fabrics.
  • Limit the accouterments. Having a flashlight and a treat bag is more than enough for kids to manage.
  • Keep on the sidewalks whenever possible.
  • Don’t let kids step inside strangers’ homes for treats.
  • Toss out homemade treats and inspect all the rest closely.

You want to make sure that your children return home safely this Halloween after a good run of trick-or-treating. But sadly, many kids suffer serious injuries on Halloween. If your child gets hit by a car or is otherwise injured this year, make sure that you do all that you can as a parent to get them the care they need and preserve their right to compensation for any injuries and damages.